With music and live performance now seeing a resurgence around Australia, artists and creatives are finding new ways to document these special shows as they go down in a variety of unique formats and capacities. And as we head into the summer, new music series Music People is proving to be a great asset to this resurgence.
Curated by four music directors – Ben Steer (Continuous Music), Ben Campbell (Newcastle Music Collective), Emily Wurramara, and Karen Eivers, and made possible thanks to an Industry Response Program Grant from The City of Newcastle, the show not only shines a light on some of the country’s most talented songwriters and performers, but it also puts the focus on Newcastle and its iconic Civic Theatre, a venue that plays host to much of the Music People action and performances.
Produced by Maddie Palmer (RAGE, JTV, The Feed) and Matt Field (Field Frequency), Music People has been conceptualised with the aim of not only spotlighting Newcastle’s idyllic music community, but to bring artists from around the country into the fold as the series continues to grow in 2021. The idea for and execution of Music People has been formulating over the last two years; the initial aim squarely focused on unifying the wider Australian music community however with the onset of COVID and its effects on the industry, the series’ importance now has added weight.
Says Matt of Music People, “We have a hugely supportive music-loving population in Australia that spans all ages, yet we compartmentalise much of our music into the youth market, middle age, boomers, etc. In Australia, we need to break down some of these walls and celebrate the artistry. In the same way Top Gear on the BBC showcases all kinds of vehicles to a wide demographic, Music People celebrates our music diversity with a music-loving nation. I look forward to the day when all artists, from all disciplines have multiple channels available to support their career.”
Featuring performances from a diverse range of artists including William Crighton, Kim Churchill, Emily Wurramara, Melanie Dyer, Little Quirks and Harry James Angus, Music People exists to entertain, uplift and inspire. Driven by a love for the art and also by the opportunity to use the platform to spread messages of inclusivity, awareness and change, Music People arrives at a time where the music industry and broader Australian music community is thriving once more. Coming out the other side of what has been an unpredictable and rough year for many.
“Music People provides a platform for all music to live and breathe in one place. Where country and indie can sit alongside electronic, rap, reggae and soul; new, old and everything in between. Music People is diverse, inclusive, raw and real. It’s a show about music people, made by music people, for music people.” Matt Field, Executive Producer
The City of Newcastle, The Newcastle Herald, The Civic Theatre, Tourism Newcastle and a range of other Newcastle outlets will broadcast the episodes of Music People live, while each showcasing artist will also share from their own channels, making each episode a truly unifying effort.
Music People is broadcast Tuesday nights live from 8pm, with episodes continuing into March 2021!
For more information visit www.musicpeoplelive.com.
Tuesday, December 1st
Tuesday, December 15th
Tuesday, January 12th
Tuesday, February 9th
Tuesday, February 23rd
Tuesday, March 9th
Tuesday, March 23rd