Home News BON BUT NOT FORGOTTEN – EX – AC/DC Members Unite


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The closest you will ever get to AC/DC in the 70’s. This show brings together some of the worlds greatest rockers to pay tribute to the legend behind one of the world’s greatest ever bands, AC/DC, and their iconic singer Bon Scott who celebrates his Birthday on July 9th.

Featuring a knock-out line-up, including 3 past members of AC/DC and other Aussie rock icons, The Angels and The Poor, this band knows how to electrify a crowd with its explosive repertoire of AC/DC’s greatest hits.

Not content with just performing a ‘Best Of’ set, the band also focuses on some gems that aren’t commercial in nature, but true fans will love to hear them live, some for the first time. This show replicates the sound, style and passion of AC/DC, without pretence.

It is quite simply THE most natural sounding AC/DC performance of any band; other than AC/DC themselves. There is no other band on earth that can perform the show like these carefully selected musicians.

The line-up features the consummate talents of:

· Simon Wright – Joined AC/DC after the departure of Phil Rudd in 1983

· Mark Evans – Performed on some of history’s greatest rock albums including TNT, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap and Let There Be Rock

· Tony Currenti – Played drums on may of the bands first albums tracks including High Voltage

· James Morley – Former bassist with ARIA Hall of Fame band – The Angels

· SKENIE – One of Australia’s hardest rocking frontmen from The Poor

And introducing international YouTube legend “Solo Dallas”, known for his ability to replicate and feel Angus Young’s guitar playing like no other. He has a massive following online, and has sold his own brand of guitar pedals to almost every major guitar hero around the world, including Angus Young himself.

For more information and tickets www.bonbutnotforgotten.com

Thursday July 6: The Governor Hindmarsh, Adelaide, SA

www.thegov.com.au | 08 8340 0744 | Tickets on sale Thursday May 18th

Friday July 7: Astor Theatre, Perth, WA

www.astortheatreperth.com.au | 08 9370 1777

Saturday July 8: Yarraville Club, Melbourne, VIC

www.yarravilleclub.com | 03 9689 6033

Sunday July 9: Cherry Bar, Melbourne, VIC (Bon Scotts Birthday)

www.cherrybar.com.au | 03 9639 8122

Thursday July 13: Chardons, Brisbane, QLD

www.moshtix.com.au | 07 3848 4091

Friday July 14: The Bridge Hotel Rozelle, Sydney, NSW

www.bridgehotel.com.au | 02 9810 1260

Saturday July 15: The Bridge Hotel Rozelle, Sydney, NSW

www.bridgehotel.com.au | 02 9810 1260

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