Home News BON BUT NOT FORGOTTEN presents Back In Black… 40 years on cover to cover!

BON BUT NOT FORGOTTEN presents Back In Black… 40 years on cover to cover!

3 min read

Released on 25 July 1980, “Back In Black” is arguably one of hard rock’s most influential records.

It was AC/DC’s seventh studio album – their sixth internationally – and an album that was an unprecedented success for the band.

The Album is currently the second highest selling Album in History with over 40 Million Sales, closely following Michael Jacksons Thriller.

2020 marks forty years since the album’s release and was an album of significance for the band as it was the first full length following the death of Bon Scott with the band recruiting vocalist Brian Johnson. The album was an ode to Bon Scott.

Celebrating its release, Bon But Not Forgotten assembles some of the world’s greatest rockers to perform the iconic album in its entirety and to pay tribute to the legend behind one of the world’s greatest bands, AC/DC, and their iconic singer Bon Scott who also celebrates his Birthday on July 9th.

Featuring Simon Wright (Ex-AC/DC), James Morley (Angels/Choirboys) and Cynthia Gallie (Let There Be Rock Orchestrated) plus special guests Skenie (The Poor) for QLD shows, Vince Contarino (Zep Boys) for WA and SA shows, Steve Mulry(Ted Mulry Gang) for NSW and Mick Pealing (Stars) for VIC, this is a show AC/DC fans don’t want to miss!



Special Australia day early bird special on sale NOW and ends 11.50pm on Monday January 27 2020.
General admission tickets on sale 9am (local time) on Tuesday January 28 2020.

Friday July 10 2020: Mansfield Tavern – BRISBANE, QLD

Saturday July 11 2020: Norths Leagues Club – KALLANGUR, QLD
www.northsleagues.com.au | (07) 3285 2733

Friday July 17 2020: Bridge Hotel – ROZELLE, NSW
Tickets via www.trybooking.com

Saturday July 18 2020: Cambridge Hotel – NEWCASTLE, NSW
Tickets via www.oztix.com.au or 1300 762 545

Friday July 24 2020: Charles Hotel – PERTH, WA

Saturday July 25 2020: The Gov – ADELAIDE, SA
Tickets via www.oztix.com.au or 1300 762 545

Sunday July 26 2020: Corner Hotel – MELBOURNE, VIC
Tickets via www.cornerhotel.com or 1300 724 867

Friday July 31 2020: Launceston Country Club – LAUNCESTON, TAS

Saturday August 1 2020: Granada Tavern – HOBART, TAS
Tickets via www.trybooking.com


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