Home News DAVID GRAY announces AU-NZ dates for ‘White Ladder: The 20th Anniversary Tour’ | Nov & Dec 2020

DAVID GRAY announces AU-NZ dates for ‘White Ladder: The 20th Anniversary Tour’ | Nov & Dec 2020

8 min read

Multi-platinum, multi-Brit and Grammy-nominated British singer-songwriter DAVID GRAY today announces Australian and New Zealand legs of the White Ladder: The 20th Anniversary Tour, to celebrate the trailblazing album’s 20-year anniversary. The seven million record-selling White Ladder will be performed in its entirety by Gray, together with all the original band members and with all the original equipment – as well as a set of the greatest hits.

Beginning in New Zealand, the landmark tour will head through Auckland’s Spark Arena on Saturday 28 November, Wellington’s TSB Arena on Sunday 29 November, Christchurch’s Horncastle Arena on Tuesday 1 December, before captivating audiences across Australia at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre on Thursday 3 December, Melbourne’s Margaret Court Arena on Saturday 5 December, Sydney’s First State Super Theatre on Tuesday 8 December, before finishing at the Fremantle Arts Centre on Friday 11 December.

Australia and New Zealand will follow anticipated sold out performances across the UK and Europe this March – April. Talking about the announcement last year, Gray said:

“It’s the 20th anniversary of White Ladder, a unique record with its own remarkable history. Jammed full with big, open hearted songs and flooded with a raw emotional energy. It’s an album that came from nowhere to steal the hearts of millions all over the world, completely transforming my life in the process. Twenty years on and it feels like White Ladder is just as alive for people now as it was back then – so to celebrate this milestone, I will be releasing a special anniversary version of the album and assembling all the original band members with all the original equipment, in order to take White Ladder out on the road and recreate the record in its entirety”.

David Gray returns in November – December to celebrate his iconic album, after last year’s lauded Bluesfest sets and sold out, blisteringly beautiful performances.

“With a penchant of putting on an electrifying live show, and for performing with levels of dedication and determination not seen by most artists, Gray is certainly one artist whose live shows are not only enjoyable, but have the ability to make your life richer for having witnessed them.” – Tone Deaf

“Most of the crowd was in awe of the talent before them… the quiet, intense singer songwriter on the stage.” – Daily Telegraph

White Ladder was born of difficult circumstances. Gray had been struggling on the margins for a decade, a lonely figure with an acoustic guitar swimming against the tide of Britpop, grunge, hip hop and electro. He came close to quitting. But instead, he asked himself some difficult questions: “Can you make a better record? Can you write a better song? The decision was to open up and give it everything I’ve got.” 

Written and recorded on minimal budget by Gray in the bedroom of a tiny terraced house in Stoke Newington, David experimented with drum machines and electronic elements, creating a blend of folktronica that has since become a familiar part of the musical landscape. White Ladder boasts classic hit singles ‘Babylon’, ‘Please Forgive Me’ and ‘Sail Away’. It remains in the top 30 best-selling British albums of all time, is the best-selling album ever in Ireland, selling two times platinum in Australia, and three times platinum in New Zealand.

White Ladder remains an album of great depth and startling beauty, a superlative collection of emotional songs capturing a very special moment in time, as raw and immediate as when it was recorded. It’s one of 11 complex, ambitious and heartfelt albums Gray has recorded in a career that spans 25 years. Some, like White Ladder, have been big commercial successes (2002’s A New Day At Midnight and 2005’s Life In Slow Motion were UK chart toppers), others have been more intimate and experimental. All feature music that is both intimate and broad, intensely personal yet capable of speaking to the masses.

Says Gray, “What happened with White Ladder involved more than music. It was a sort of heart and soul moment of total surrender for everybody involved, for me and the audience. That was it. It doesn’t get any better than that.”

This sentiment is sure to ring true for the enigmatic performer’s visit this November-December. Celebrating an album that has touched many, White Ladder: The 20th Anniversary Tour is not to be missed.

via chuggentertainment.com/tours/david-gray-2020
Runs 24 hours from: Tuesday 10 March (12noon local time)
or ends earlier if pre-sale allocation exhausted

via frontiertouring.com/davidgray
Runs 24 hours from: Tuesday 10 March (12noon local time)
or ends earlier if pre-sale allocation exhausted

Begins: Friday 13 March (12noon local time)


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