Home New Releases SIMPLY BUSHED Celebrate Country Greeting In Song

SIMPLY BUSHED Celebrate Country Greeting In Song

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SIMPLY BUSHED celebrate the country tradition of waving your finger at passing drivers in their new single, aptly titled Wave Your Finger.

The single has a bush ballad feel and was released to radio today, September 21.

“The song was inspired by us driving to and from Music in the Mulga over many years and we’ve noticed a distinct pattern where there is a point where the fingers start and stop somewhere between Byrock and Bourke,” Paul Grierson said.

“It’s definitely a country thing and you see it out there in middle of nowhere. I think it is something that sets country people apart. We want to spread the wave and the love and maybe bring the wave closer to town.”

Fellow front man Chris Rieger said the wave of the index finger lifted from the steering wheel was the ultimate in colloquial forms of communication.

“The hand has to be on the steering wheel when the wave is done, although, of course, the passenger can just wave, but it’s usually a driver to driver thing,” he said.

“When the other driver doesn’t wave back, that causes a bit of disappointment and quite often there are expletives in your inner voice.”

The five-piece is releasing Wave Your Finger as a light-hearted break from the seriousness of their latest singles that have delved into the detrimental side-effects of military service and the loss of Australian manufacturing.

“We would like listeners to take away a bit of happiness, the freedom of being able to travel around and have someone wave to you from other cars,” Chris said

Wave Your Finger is lifted from their latest album, Here and Now, and will soon be available on iTunes.



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