Home New Releases SUZI QUATRO releases Christmas single!

SUZI QUATRO releases Christmas single!

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Even in the highly adrenaline-fueled music business, it’s rare to find a bundle of energy and talent on a par with Suzi Quatro. The American rock vocalist and musician has been successful for over 56 years and continues to tour the world. She released her critically acclaimed current album “No Control” in 2019. With hits like ‘Can The Can’, ‘48 Crash‘, ‘Devil Gate Drive‘, ‘If You Can`t Give Me Love‘ or ‘She`s In Love With You‘, she became an icon in the seventies, and remains so to this day.

But this year everything is different!

Suzi Quatro: “So, lockdown had just begun. My son was in the studio working on ideas every day for our next album, a perfect opportunity as neither of us was ‘on the road’. I was sitting on the patio, relaxing, and heard this absolutely beautiful track coming out of the open studio door. It was a bass line, with a sparse guitar chord, and drums. It was immediate for me. I ran into the studio (mask on of course), and told my son to set up a microphone, and without thinking, without writing anything down, I sang the first 4 lines of the song exactly as they ended up. That`s when you know you have a great song … and we do. Merry Xmas everyone!”

“My Heart And Soul (I Need You Home For Christmas)” is available on all digital platforms on December 4th, 2020.


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