Home New Releases THE BUSHWACKERS celebrate Golden Jubilee with new single “Diggin’ For Gold” and shows

THE BUSHWACKERS celebrate Golden Jubilee with new single “Diggin’ For Gold” and shows

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“They’ll carve our name on a rock I’m told, like the old pioneers, diggin’ for gold.”

In celebration of their 50th anniversary year and their induction to The Roll of Renown, The Bushwackers released their new single, Diggin’ For Gold.

Written by Roger Corbett with Dobe Newton and current members Liam Kennedy-Clark and Gabi Louise, the song is not simply your classic Australiana story.

At first listen, Diggin’ For Gold appears to about the trials and tribulations of looking for gold in the freezing rivers and the building of a community over the ensuing years, however there is a secondary meaning.

At first listen, Diggin’ For Gold appears to about the trials and tribulations of looking for gold in the freezing rivers and the building of a community over the ensuing years, however there is a secondary meaning.

The Bushwackers first headed to the Tamworth Country Music Festival in 1981. They found a ‘nugget’ on the second day in town in the shape of their very first Golden Guitar Award – rumour had it that the band threw the award into the Peel River but that is simply an urban myth.

The Bushwackers remain crowd favourites and, as the song says, “there’s treasure in the river, we just knew, we stayed the course, we saw it through”. Thus 29 years after their first ‘nugget’ the band won their second Golden Guitar followed by a third a couple of years later.

“The Tamworth country music community has grown so much over the years and we’ve been privileged to have been a part of it all,” Dobe Newton said.

There have been too many golden highlights over the years to mention, but Roger Corbett summarises a few of these.

“We have done so many shows with cameo performances by the stars of country from our own 25th Jubilee Concert, Oz Rock Salute, The Elvis Show, ABBA, Crazy Beach Parties, the iconic Chardonnay Show all with hilarious and wonderful performances from the stars,” he said.

“We even had Keith Urban singing ‘Khe Sahn’ at one of our shows!”

Every line in the lyrics of the new single refers to a part of The Bushwackers’ country music journey as well as a gold-seeking one.

Diggin’ For Gold is destined to be in The Bushwackers’ repertoire for years to come and is a true music nugget and is available from all digital retailers.

F: @thebushwackers
I: thebushwackersofficial

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