Home News YOUNGCARE Team Up With Brisbane Act BETWEEN KINGS To Launch ‘Brick By Brick’ Campaign For Disability Housing

YOUNGCARE Team Up With Brisbane Act BETWEEN KINGS To Launch ‘Brick By Brick’ Campaign For Disability Housing

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Brisbane Band Join Forces With Youngcare
To Launch ‘Brick by Brick’ Campaign To Help Fill
Disability housing shortage

National not-for-profit Youngcare have teamed up with Brisbane post-alternative rock outfit Between Kings to ask Australians to ‘buy a brick’ and help build a home for young people with high care needs living in institutional housing.

Youngcare estimates there are still 12,000 young Australians being left behind in institutional-style accommodation, such as aged care, hospitals and rehabilitation centres, because there is simply nowhere else for them to go. Youngcare is looking to build more purpose-built, fully accessible and age-appropriate living spaces for those aged between 18 and 65 in Queensland and New South Wales.

Twelve years since former Powderfinger frontman Bernard Fanning became a Youngcare ambassador, another Brisbane band Between Kings, is putting its debut single behind the charity and its latest campaign. Between Kings songwriter and lead guitarist Jordan Coyne said the band heard about the Youngcare campaign and realised they had to do something to help.

To hear that young people can’t choose how they live, where they live and who they live with is shocking to us. It’s a freedom we all deserve,” he said.

Jordan says of the bands song, The Escape that it “is a love letter to anyone who is struggling to let them know they are not alone. Looking back, it feels like the song was written for Youngcare and this campaign, with lyrics like ‘brick by brick I’ll build these walls, I’ll be your home’. It’s not just building physical homes for people but emotionally building them a home,

Watch the video for The Escape here


Youngcare CEO Anthony Ryan said there was still a significant shortage of suitable and appropriately supported housing for young people with high care needs.

It’s abhorrent that in a country like Australia, young people with disabilities are living without independence, choice and dignity — something Youngcare is striving to change,

With no recurrent government funding, we need a new generation of supporters to help us make a difference”.

The band recently held an acoustic Sunday session in Brisbane where Youngcare threw a free BBQ to build awareness of the Buy A Brick campaign.

Between Kings next show will be at The Triffid in Brisbane on Friday, July 20.

Youngcare will be there selling foam ‘bricks’ to raise money for the campaign and Between Kings will also be donating $5 from every merch item they sell at the gig to Youngcare

The band will also be filming a music video for their next single, World Of Our Own, on the night!

SHOW YOUR SUPPORT @ THE TRIFFID, Brisbane – Friday, July 20

If you cant make the show, you can buy a virtual brick for just $10 at brickbybrick.youngcare.com.au


About Youngcare

Youngcare is a not-for-profit organisation spearheading powerful and positive change to create a future where every young person has the freedom, dignity and choice to live the lives we all deserve. For more than 13 years, Youngcare has been tackling a national issue — there are simply too many young people with high care needs being left behind in inappropriate and unacceptable accommodation. Youngcare needs your support to change the disability housing sector once and for all; giving young people with high care needs the power and ability to choose where and how they live their lives.



About Between The Kings

Between Kings released their new album The Escape, in May via Regime Music Group. They most recently toured the country with US modern rock icons, Escape The Fate

Between The Kings play with an immediacy that has been missing from most recent rock music. Their songs pour out of the speakers with emotional intensity and vitality.

When they pick up their instruments they aren’t just playing songs, they are letting the audience experience their most intimate thoughts and feelings.

Their songs speak to their generation with inspiration and a sense of relating to their experiences. Whether that be vocalist Nic Machuca reflecting on his early life experiences growing up in South Africa, surrounded by violence and crime, guitarist Jordan Coyne’s emotional passion from insecurities experienced as a teenager, bass player Jayden Marsh’s born showmanship from a life growing up watching his dad play gigs or drummer Nick “Tricky” Fanning’s desire to play until there was a noise complaint.

Playing with a heartfelt resonance one minute, then mixing it with arena-rock choruses the next, Between Kings triumphantly mix melodic elements and heavy tones equally, making it irresistible for you to throw up you hands, bang your head or even hit the dance floor.

That is Between Kings! \^^^/


Nic Machuca (Vocals), Jordan Coyne (Guitar), Jayden Marsh (Bass), Nick ‘Tricky’ Fanning (Drums)



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