Home News GOLDEN ROBOT RECORDS And SOCIAL FAMILY RECORDS Announce International Distro Deal With Soulfood and Amped/Alliance

GOLDEN ROBOT RECORDS And SOCIAL FAMILY RECORDS Announce International Distro Deal With Soulfood and Amped/Alliance

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Golden Robot Entertainment, which includes powerhouse independent records labels, Social Family Records and Golden Robot Records, has signed an international physical distribution deal withSoulfood out of Germany and AMPED/Alliance in the USA.

This new physical distro deal takes both labels to another level with an unmatched worldwide reach dealing with some of the best in the business on the ground in overseas countries. This is huge for all our bands, our labels and no doubt for the Aussie music scene overall in Europe and the USA,” saidGolden Robot Entertainment’s President and Founder, Mark Alexander-Erber.

With Universal Music Australia handling physical distribution in Australia/NZ and The Orchardhandling worldwide digital distribution, the addition of Soulfood and AMPED/Alliance will only strengthen the two labels reach, with representation across the UK, Europe, USA, and Japan.

Golden Robot Records roster includes a number of well-known and up and coming artists, including Rose Tattoo, Steve Kilbey, The Art, High Tropics, The Superjesus, The Cherry Dolls, The Lockhearts, Mi-Sex, Toe to Toe, The Kids, The Buckleys, and She Shinjuku.  Social Family Records boutique stable of artists includes award-winning country artist, Amber Lawrence, Jason Owen, Gretta Ziller and the legendary, Glenn Shorrock.

It’s exciting to be a part of a young Australian independent label and see it grow really quickly and branch out internationally. The Art were lucky enough to cut our teeth touring overseas as well as our home land Australia. To have the opportunity to do so with Golden Robot Records would be out of this world!”
Azaria Byrne (The Art)

In this day and age anyone can make their music available worldwide online, but without the right people behind you championing your artists, they’re still not going to get heard. Every market is different and it’s really important to have the right people on the ground and in tune with what’s going on. Sadly the Australian market can’t sustain bands on its own anymore so it’s vital to try and break new territories to make sure our artists can keep doing what they’re doing.”
Samantha Jay (Manager, The Lockhearts)

One of the reasons I decided to work with Social Family Records is because not only do they strive to have their artists secured places in the AU/NZ markets, but they had also discussed their desire and drive to become a name internationally. Congratulations Social Family/Golden Robot Records for their new partnership with Soulfood Distribution. I am so excited to be working with a record label that is making this happen!”
Gretta Ziller

GRR have proven themselves to be a label focussed on fostering and supporting unique creativity. Now, with their exciting new worldwide distribution deal, my horizons as an artist in the modern world just got a whole lot wider. There’s no better time to be signed to Golden Robot Records!”
Kara Jayne (The Art & She Shinjuku)

Being on a label like Golden Robot Records and it being worldwide is massive for us. We would never be able to have the chance to reach out to the right people overseas. Having the platform to gain new fans overseas will give us the opportunity to tour internationally.”
Josh Aubry (The Cherry Dolls)

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