Home Interviews Interview: PAUL WOSEEN

Interview: PAUL WOSEEN

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Screaming Jets bass player and founding member, Paul Woseen, has been a musician since he was 14 years old and has been writing and recording songs for many years. The songs that he wrote for The Screaming Jets have become a familiar sound to Australian music fans and we are used to hearing them good and loud with plenty of guitars, bass and drums. Well, now we get to hear those same songs on Paul’s debut album release but this time just a little softer on the eardrums. “Bombido is an acoustic record,” he explains in our recent interview. “Just me and the guitar. It’s something I’ve been thinking of doing for a long time and procrastinated about doing it for years and so, with a bit of coaxing from Dave (Gleeson) and a bit of time off by myself, I went into the studio and recorded it, mixed and mastered it in three days. Nine tracks are Jets songs that I wrote and there are some new ones. You can download a copy on iTunes via my website.” Paul says that he didn’t have to rework the songs for the album. “They are pretty much the way I wrote them. They are not too distant from the Jets version, just minus the boom, the crash and the bang.”

At Paul’s gigs, he will be playing tracks from the album, some old songs and, he tells me, “A few new things that I wrote that are yet to be recorded. We will hopefully be going into the studio at the end of July to record a new Screaming Jets album.”

Paul was one of the founding members of The Screaming Jets. “The band started in 1989,” he explains. “Dave and Grant (Walmsley) had a band called Aspect and they were folding that and I had been playing some fill in gigs for the bass player for that band. That’s how they got to know me. I was playing with a band in Sydney that had folded so we naturally sort of fell together. The Jets toured at the end of last year, a national sell out tour which was fantastic and we’re hoping to do the same thing again at the end of this year. It’s our 25th year this year and none of us are handicapped or mentally impaired,” he laughs. “And we still love what we’re doing. Dave’s got other things on. He does some radio, he sings with The Angels. I’m playing bass with Rose Tattoo as well but the main thing is The Jets. That’s where we really feel at home and have the most fun.”

But the guys do enjoy working on their other side projects as well when they are not on the road with The Jets. Paul says that he thinks it is healthy. “Musically, it’s healthy to do different things and work in different aspects of music, creating with other people and it’s always good for your own stuff,” he explains adding, with a laugh, “And it’s good to have a break from your mates every now and again.”

by Sharyn Hamey

Copyright © 2014 Sharyn Hamey. All Rights Reserved

For more information about Paul, full details of shows and to purchase a copy of his new album Bombido, click here to visit Paul’s website

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