Home New Releases Indie Rockers, THE CHERRY DOLLS, Reveal ‘Viva Los Dolls’ Album Art & Release Date

Indie Rockers, THE CHERRY DOLLS, Reveal ‘Viva Los Dolls’ Album Art & Release Date

3 min read

With two critically acclaimed EPs under their belt and more broken guitar strings and tour damaged gear than they’d care to recall, The Cherry Dolls are ready to reveal their album cover and looking forward to delivering their highly anticipated debut album, Viva Los Dolls, out Friday 28th July and available for pre-order from Monday, 26th June.

Recorded in a frenetic blast of activity while the rest of town was sleeping off their New Year’s hangovers, their debut long player saw Alex Markwell of The Delta Riggs sitting in on production duties to capture their blistering live show on record.

Throwing a curveball with first single, ‘Blister’, the Dolls show off their tender side with a soaring ode to a departed friend, whilst the latest single ‘Slave’ gives Iggy Pop a run for his money with primal despair and frustration fuelling a thunderous riff distilled into a tightly coiled track that explodes from the speakers. ‘Let You Down’ tips its hat in the direction of Patti and Them, but takes off like an unpredictable firework lamenting yet another heartbreaker in town, while their next single out on 26 June, ‘Cop Out’, is the essence of the Dolls – taught, angular guitar lines going hell bent for leather out over a thunderous primal beat.

01 C.O.P. Out
02 Slave
03 Let You Down
04 Bottom of the Wall
05 Kimchi
06 Hollywood
07 Love
08 Lemon & Lime
09 Begging You Please
10 Blister

Clocking up two years of unrelenting gigging and recording they’ve given more than fair warning of their promise as one of Australia’s most electrifying bands, which they’ve now proudly captured on their debut album, Viva Los Dolls.The Cherry Dolls are Joshua Aubry, Jakob Kagan, Thomas van der Vliet, Brendan West, and Jim Stirton.

The Cherry Dolls
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