Home News Review: BAY CITY ROLLERS – Revesby Workers – 22 July 2018

Review: BAY CITY ROLLERS – Revesby Workers – 22 July 2018

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What more could you want on a chilly night in Sydney than dancing and singing the evening away with those sexy Scots ‘The Bay City Rollers’, sizzling up the stage? I couldn’t wait for another night of fun and nostalgia at Revesby Workers Club with Les McKeown’s Bay City Rollers. After an eye opening initiation last year, it was time to put on those imaginary bobby socks and think about a time that I was only just born in, but would have loved to have experienced. The forever adoring throng of fans were already surrounding the stage before I even arrived. Dress ups, glittery make up and tartan, of course, lots of it, scattered throughout the venue with the air heaving of youthful excitement.  This was going to be another ‘Bay City Rollers’ night to remember.

And there it was, the screaming starting well before the first notes of ‘Summerlove Sensation’ began our set. The frisky crowd was already clamouring to get hunky Les’ attention, just as the band introduction was announced… Ladies and Gents, careful, I’m not sure Les would like some more bruised calves after last year’s grab fest. But then again, this is all a part of the Rollers effect, and something I expect and look forward to now, every time I see the band.  It gives me a little glimpse of the BCR mayhem of the 1970’s. What a jam-packed first set we had with songs ‘I Only Want To Be With You’ and ‘Keep On Dancing’, which was a lovely tribute to the recently passed, founding member of BCR, Alan Longmuir.  Then we swayed along to ‘Give A Little Love’ and ‘You’re A Woman’. I now know all these tunes much better now and was very much looking forward to a perfect night of great songs and joy. It was such a rich era for brilliant pop songs, it’s a shame this century hasn’t taken more cues from the master pop song writers. Then unexpectedly, Les brings a cute visitor on stage, no it wasn’t a hot little number from the crowd, but the fluffy Scottish Terrier, ‘Angus’. Awwww…. What a cutie pie you are Angus!  If we weren’t all ‘cooing’ enough as it was, Angus just added to the sweetness of the evening.

The rock’n’roll extravaganza continued with another big favourite ‘Rock ’n Roll Love Letter’ and then ‘Please Stay’, which was followed by a medley I enjoyed last time and was hoping to hear again, the 70’s tribute to legends Freddie Mercury, Mark Bolan, Brian Connolly, Alvin Stardust, Mud and David Bowie. Sounding great and busting moves, the Rollers are in top form. I lost count of how much whistling and catcalling there was throughout the night. Watching and hearing the idolizing fans is as much fun as the concert itself; such passion they have for their musical favourites. Then one of my faves ‘Saturday Night’ rounded out our first set. What a way to bring in an intermission, with just enough time for everyone to refuel for the next session of Roller Mania.

These BCR gigs always put me in a ‘Happy Days’ mood, like we are all at Arnold’s waiting for our milkshakes and burgers. That was one of the main things I remembered from my first Roller concert, like you were taken back into a time machine to a simpler, more joyful time. That feeling came rushing back as the band launched into ‘Remember (Sha-La-La)’ for the start of our second set. Then some ‘All Of Me, Loves All Of You’ and a great David Paton medley of ‘Magic’ and ‘January’. Paton, of course, being a past BCR member and finding more success with his band ‘Pilot’.  A few more hits continued this Roller Ride, as Les then launches into an acapella version of ‘Let’s Go’. Mmmm, sounding mighty fine Les, if I must say so myself, and looking mighty fine as well. That catcalling just wasn’t letting up from anywhere across the crowd.  An always witty and playful band in concert, the Rollers know their fans and always deliver.

I was glad we had some more songs still to come and, I have to say, that I also really enjoy the BCR version of John Paul Young’s ‘Yesterday’s Hero’.  A great song that really suits Les’ wonderful voice and delivery. It has been a cracking set list tonight, with marvellous BCR fans tearing it up. So much so, that after another gem ‘Shang-A-Lang’, the tables started rumbling from all the beating hands, as shouts of ‘we want more’ went vibrating through the theatre. Rowdy and passionate, you BCR fanatics! And you can understand why, once you are here absorbing the thoroughly entertaining Bay City Rollers. I was told from Japan and the USA were here too.  Now that is loyalty and must really make BCR ‘chuffed’ knowing their following is still so widespread. But like all good fun, we reluctantly have to bid farewell to the band once again as the catchy ‘Bye Bye Baby’ plays and then the traditional Scottish tune ‘The Bonnie Banks o’ Loch Lomond’ ends the show. With tartan swaying from the microphones and much hugging and serenading taking place across the venue, the fans bid adieu to another satisfying night of BCR pandemonium.


© MARINA KNEZEVIC 2018.  All Rights Reserved.

See PHOTOS from Revesby Workers HERE



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