Home News Review: VILLAGE PEOPLE – State Theatre – 26 May 2017

Review: VILLAGE PEOPLE – State Theatre – 26 May 2017

10 min read

Timeless, ageless, fun and joyful (throw some rainbows and unicorns in there too.. ) This is what I think of when I think about this band and their music. Not many of us wouldn’t have childhood memories of the legendary Village People. Mine would be at about 8 years old and seeing my Mother’s vinyl with those outrageous outfits and striking poses. “Oooo I love the Indian, oh but he’s cute too..” that would have been the typical young superficial train of thought. But what wasn’t superficial was the love of the music, the glitz and glamour of disco, entwined with the magic of great tunes. To think last night’s State Theatre concert in Sydney was a part of a 40th anniversary tour for this band is extraordinary, and as was mentioned last night that the Village People have been to Australia 39 times. What a phenomenal achievement and it just goes to show how amazing the Village People are and that we in Australia have fabulous taste!

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I knew it was going to be crazy. Being supported by Abba wonders ‘Bjorn Again’ just added another dimension to this already hyped-up audience. It was fancy dress on steroids, some Frida’s and Agnetha’s walking around, mixed with cowboy/construction/Indian/leather/armed forces etc outfits. The packed out crowd in Sydney didn’t disappoint and they showed their passion for their favourites with vigour. I watched as people jumped in the aisles and started dancing as soon as Bjorn Again opened with ‘Waterloo‘, this didn’t stop for their whole set and it was only just the ‘prep’ for the main event.. What a night we have in store here and lucky I came prepared.

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This multi-generational crowd went ballistic as the Village People finally appeared. It was all ages and all orientations making their way to the stage and seeping into any open space they could find close to their idols. A real testament to the genuine legacy that the Village People have and the deep love that their fans have for them. The cute young twinks in their Village People outfits cramming the front dance floor did not go unnoticed then, once ‘Stomp’ kicked in, it was on – dancing, arms flying, bootys wiggling. One of my faves ‘Macho Man’ was next and I love watching the guys dancing and flexing. Oh, and the band on the stage were dancing and flexing too, there was much dancing and flexing everywhere, keep it coming guys! It’s funny how in other situations most men look weird trying these moves, but not the Village People. It all works so well and lucky I did come prepared, with a singlet underneath, as it was time to strip while sweat started to take over and I needed more ventilation. Forget the cold 17 degree weather outside, inside it was steaming.

This Sydney Studio 54 disco continued with ‘Listen to the Music’, ‘San Francisco’, ‘In Hollywood’ until ‘Let’s Go Back to the Dance Floor’ ripped it up. I could have been anywhere in 70’s New York or on our own Oxford Street throughout this gig, it was so much fun to be dancing with such a great crowd and enjoying the tunes and entertainment of these legendary performers. Originals Felipe and Alex with virtual original Ray and Eric, Bill and Jim just killed it. My other faves ‘Milkshake’ and ‘Can’t Stop the Music’ were next so it was my time to move to the aisle to get me some more dancing room. I don’t care if some people are too cool for school and won’t come out of their Village People closet. (And we all know there are many more closets than this) I love my 70’s and my disco. It is eternal and will be some of the best gigs of your life.

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Alex’s rendition of ‘You make me feel (mighty real)‘ was wonderful, I cannot believe he just turned 70 last month!!!  That is something crazy there, you put many to shame Alex.. amazing. Well from Alex is was Ray’s hot costume change and time for another fave ‘In the Navy’ . Wolf whistling and screaming aside for his sexy Naval attire, the night just kept getting crazier.  There was so much excitement that Felipe’s pants split, from what I could see. But of course, being the  professional that he is, it was all ‘the show must go on!’ until he had a chance to cover any possible mishaps. Split pants, sweat, muscles, dancing, this is my kind of night and our encore of ‘Go West’ and the forever fave of ‘YMCA’ was just the cherry on top to finish this great event.

What a sensational 40th anniversary! It was all smiles, laughter, dancing and singing everywhere you looked. I don’t get to see such a grand building like the State Theatre become this conglomeration of spectacle and awesomeness fused with disco and theatrics. The non-stop energy and fun of the band and the crowd is why a Village People concert is always a must and why they will live on forever. I know it’s too early to call it, but I feel a 50th anniversary is very much within reach, we just need a few more tours squeezed in between!


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